TRES TIMES THE YUM - Utilize Tres Riches to create signature Hispanic style dishes, cakes and parfaits. It even makes an amazing beverage base!
ALL DAY LONG - With menu solutions for desserts, beverages and breakfasts, you’ll utilize Tres Riches all through your dayparts.
GLOBAL FLARE - With significant growth in the US Hispanic population, traditional Hispanic style desserts are in steady demand - and projected to grow!
EASY AND EFFICIENT - Thaw. Shake. Pour. Tres Riches arrives perfectly blended and with a long shelf life.
WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK OF HOUSE - We understand your challenges. That’s why Tres Riches is versatile, customizable, consistent and price-stable. Time, labor, costs — save on all three with Tres Riches.
POUR ON THE PROFITS - Valuable versatility + Labor savings + Avoiding costs of fully finished items = Profits for you.