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35377_grid_image BAVARIAN PRETZEL STICK #35377 2.61 OZ 72 Authentic Bavarian pretzel roll unsalted approx. 6.5in long by 2in wide. Fully baked format.
09315_grid_image BISCUIT DOUGH MADE WITH WHOLE GRAIN/51% HANDI-SPLIT #09315 2.1 OZ 216 A flaky, soft, moist, handi-split freezer-to-oven biscuit dough made withwhite wheat flour and 1.5 OZ grain EQ
13370_grid_image COUNTRY STYLE BISCUIT DOUGH HEX #13370 2.45 OZ 240 Hex-shaped biscuit dough with a slightly more dense texture and mild butter flavor profile. Split in half for operator convenience. Contains zero grams trans fat per serving.
16491_grid_image COUNTRY STYLE BISCUIT DOUGH JUMBO HEX #16491 4 OZ 120 Large hex-shaped biscuit dough with a slightly more dense texture and mild butter flavor profile. Split in half for operator convenience. Contains zero grams trans fat per serving.
06063_grid_image HANDI-SPLIT BISCUIT DOUGH ROUND #06063 2.2 OZ 240 Round biscuit dough with a more mild subtle flavor golden color and crispy coating. Split in half for operator convenience. Contains zero grams trans fat per serving.
16280_grid_image HOMESTYLE BISCUIT DOUGH #16280 2.5 OZ 216 Hexagon shaped biscuit dough with light airy texture and smooth buttermilk flavor.Contains zero grams trans fat per serving.
13717_grid_image SOUTHERN STYLE BISCUIT DOUGH 2.25OZ #13717 2.25 OZ 216 Hex-shaped biscuit dough with crispy golden exterior and heavy butter flavor profile. Contains zero grams trans fat per serving.
08405_grid_image SOUTHERN STYLE BISCUIT DOUGH ROUND #08405 2.2 OZ 216 Round biscuit dough with buttery flavor golden color and crispy coating.Contains zero grams trans fat per serving.
08404_grid_image SOUTHERN STYLE BISCUIT DOUGH ROUNDS SPLIT 2.2 OZ #08404 2.2 OZ 216 Round biscuit dough with buttery flavor golden color and crispy coating. Split in half for operator convenience.
08410_grid_image SOUTHERN STYLE BISCUIT DOUGH ROUNDS SPLIT 3.25 OZ #08410 3.25 OZ 168 Large round biscuit dough with buttery flavor golden color and crispy coating. Split in half for operator convenience.
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