Fresh Baked
Made Easy.


It’s not often you can have it all. Your consumers expect fresh baked breads and rolls — while you need labor saving solutions that ease back-of-house pressure. With Rich’s parbaked breads and rolls portfolio, everyone gets exactly what they want. Consumers enjoy scratch-quality satisfaction from easy-to-use products that go from your freezer to their table in minutes. Efficiency has never tasted so delicious.


Click on the portfolios below to learn more!



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Cottage Bakery – Breads

Product Code Product Name Case Count Unit Weight Shelf Life
Code18770 Name12 inch ciabatta Case/Pack30 Weight9.25 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18786 Nameartisan batard jalapeno cheddar bread Case/Pack22 Weight14.75 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18820 Nameasiago cheese batard artisan bread with bag Case/Pack18 Weight19.75 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code24133 Nameasiago parmesan artisan batard 15 oz w/bag Case/Pack20 Weight16.75 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18703 Nameciabatta artisan bread Case/Pack15 Weight19 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18894 Nameciabatta artisan bread with bag Case/Pack15 Weight19 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code24131 Nameciabatta artisan flat loaf 12.5 oz w/bag Case/Pack20 Weight14.75 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code24138 Namecomo artisan batard 15 oz w/bag Case/Pack20 Weight16.75 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18772 Namecomo batard artisan bread with bag Case/Pack18 Weight19.25 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18790 Namecountry french artisan bread Case/Pack25 Weight12 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code19663 Namecranberry walnut artisan batard Case/Pack18 Weight17 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code22586 Nameextra virgin olive oil artisan focaccia bread Case/Pack18 Weight11.3 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18660 Namefrench baguette artisan bread Case/Pack12 Weight17.75 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18828 Namefrench baguette artisan bread Case/Pack20 Weight13.25 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code99832 Namefully baked tuscan bread Case/Pack18 Weight17.6 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
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Cottage Bakery – Rolls

Product Code Product Name Case Count Unit Weight Shelf Life
Code21531 Nameartisan cauliflower ciabatta sandwich roll, 80 2.6-oz rolls Case/Pack80 Weight2.6 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18920 Nameartisan ciabatta rosemary bread Case/Pack64 Weight4 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18681 Nameartisan ciabatta sandwich bread Case/Pack42 Weight4.5 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18682 Nameartisan ciabatta sandwich bread Case/Pack64 Weight3.5 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18827 Nameartisan wholegrain sandwich bread Case/Pack42 Weight5.5 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18815 Namebaguette sandwich rolls Case/Pack32 Weight11.25 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18844 Namedutch crunch sandwich rolls Case/Pack48 Weight5.85 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18831 Namefrench demi baguette artisan bread Case/Pack40 Weight5.75 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code84336 Namefully baked italian ciabatta sliced bun Case/Pack60 Weight3.17 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code19646 Namejalapeno cheddar artisan roll Case/Pack64 Weight4 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18695 Namesliced ciabatta sandwich bread Case/Pack64 Weight3.5 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18864 Namewhite hero artisan roll Case/Pack25 Weight11 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18848 Namewhole grain dinner rolls Case/Pack100 Weight2 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code18806 Namewhole grain rich artisan sandwich roll Case/Pack78 Weight4 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS

Signature – Breads

Product Code Product Name Case Count Unit Weight Shelf Life
Code22202 Namefrench baguette, 8.75 oz Case/Pack25 Weight8.75 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code22228 Namefrench batard 18.5″ Case/Pack20 Weight8.75 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code22205 Namefrench mini baguette, 5 oz Case/Pack48 Weight5 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code24008 Namefrench parisian 13.25 oz Case/Pack15 Weight13.25 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code20327 Namefrench parisian 18 oz. Case/Pack15 Weight18 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code22034 Nameitalian loaf Case/Pack20 Weight14 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code15607 Nameitalian panini bread 6 pack 1/2 inch slices Case/Pack6 Weight38.89 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code00322 Namemarble panini bread sliced (6 pack) Case/Pack6 Weight35.27 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code00311 Namemultigrain panini bread (6 pack) Case/Pack6 Weight35.27 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code87804 Nameparbaked parisien bread Case/Pack18 Weight18 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code00312 Nameroasted garlic panini sliced Case/Pack6 Weight35.3 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS

Signature – Rolls

Product Code Product Name Case Count Unit Weight Shelf Life
Code22201 Name7.5″ french sandwich long Case/Pack72 Weight3.25 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code22213 Nameassorted dinner rolls 240ct Case/Pack240 Weight1.25 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code29319 Namebaked bun brioche Case/Pack80 Weight3 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code22553 Nameclassic sourdough dinner roll Case/Pack150 Weight1.5 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code84327 Namefocaccia bun-sliced Case/Pack60 Weight2.65 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
Code23023 Namefrench alpine 48 ct Case/Pack48 Weight4.5 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code22291 Namefrench alpine 64ct Case/Pack64 Weight4.5 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code22203 Namefrench petit pain Case/Pack144 Weight1.75 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code20324 Namefrench sub grand Case/Pack36 Weight5.9 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code20325 Namefrench sub roll 9″ Case/Pack64 Weight4.25 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code45057 Namefully baked classic sliced bun brioche 4 in Case/Pack72 Weight2.4 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code70030 Namefully baked sliced bun wheat 12 in submarine Case/Pack60 Weight6 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code70029 Namefully baked sliced bun white 12 in submarine Case/Pack60 Weight6 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code87783 Nameparbaked french breadstick Case/Pack120 Weight1.8 OZ Shelf Life365 DAYS
Code87839 Nameparbaked french petit pain roll Case/Pack140 Weight2 OZ Shelf Life270 DAYS
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