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49726_grid_image 1/4 SHEET BASE ICED SINGLE LAYER CAKE CHOC CAKE & VAN BUTTRCREME ICING N&A FLV #49726 42.75 OZ 8 1/4 sheet premium-quality chocolate cake layer base-iced with White Buttrcreme icing without borders for quick and easy customization at operator level. Cake is on a white board in the box. 8 cakes/case 42.75 oz unit weight.
01813_grid_image 1/4 SHEET BASE ICED SINGLE LAYER CAKE CHOC CAKE & VANILLA WHIPPED ICING N&A FLV #01813 33.25 OZ 8 1/4 sheet, premium-quality chocolate cake layer naturally and artificially flavored, base-iced with whipped icing, without borders for quick and easy customization at operator level. Cake is on a gold board in the box. 8 cakes/case, 33.25 oz unit weight.
49730_grid_image 1/4 SHEET BASE ICED SINGLE LAYER CAKE YELLOW CAKE & VAN BUTTRCREME ICING N&A FLV #49730 41.75 OZ 8 1/4 sheet premium-quality yellow cake layer base-iced with White Buttrcreme icing without borders for quick and easy customization at operator level. Cake is on a white board in the box. 8 cakes/case 41.75 oz unit weight.
01815_grid_image 1/4 SHEET BASE ICED SINGLE LAYER CAKE YELLOW CAKE & VAN WHIPPED ICING N&A FLV #01815 33.25 OZ 8 1/4 sheet, premium-quality yellow cake layer, base-iced with whipped icing, without borders for quick and easy customization at operator level. Cake is on a gold board in the box. 8 cakes/case, 33.25 oz unit weight.
24343_grid_image 1/4 SHEET BASE ICED WHITE CAKE WITH VANILLA BUTTRCREME ICING #24343 43 OZ 8 1/4 sheet premium-quality white cake layer base-iced with Vanilla Naturally & Artificially Flavored Buttrcreme icing without borders for quick and easy customization.
24345_grid_image 1/4 SHEET BASE ICED WHITE MARBLE CAKE WITH VANILLA NATURALLY & ARTIFICIALLY FLAVOR #24345 43 OZ 8 1/4 sheet premium-quality marble white cake layer base-iced with Vanilla Naturally & Artificially Flavored Buttrcreme icing without borders for quick and easy customization
20384_grid_image 1/4 SHEET CHOCOLATE CAKE BAVARIAN FILLED WITH CHOCOLATE BUTTRCREME #20384 63 OZ 4 1/4 sheet naturally and artificially flavored chocolate cake filled with Bavarian creme and base iced with chocolate flavored buttrcreme icing. Ready to be decorated at store-level.
20385_grid_image 1/4 SHEET CHOCOLATE CAKE CHOCOLATE BUTTRCREME FILLED WITH CHOCOLATE BUTTRCREME #20385 59 OZ 4 1/4 sheet naturally and artificially flavored chocolate cake filled with chocolate flavored buttrcreme icing and base iced with chocolate flavored buttrcreme icing. Ready to be decorated at store-level.
20386_grid_image 1/4 SHEET WHITE CAKE BAVARIAN FILLED WITH WHITE BUTTRCREME #20386 63 OZ 4 1/4 sheet white cake filled with Bavarian creme and base iced with white buttrcreme icing. Ready to be decorated at store-level.
20387_grid_image 1/4 SHEET WHITE CAKE WHITE BUTTRCREME FILLED WITH WHITE BUTTRCREME #20387 59 OZ 4 1/4 sheet white cake filled with white buttrcreme icing and base iced with white buttrcreme icing. Ready to be decorated at store-level.
23833_grid_image 7" DOUBLE LAYER BASE ICED CHOCOLATE CAKE #23833 30 OZ 4 7" double layer base iced chocolate naturally & artificially flavored cake iced with chocolate buttrcreme icing and finished with chocolate naturally & artificially flavored cake crumb. The perfect canvas for signature cake creations!
23831_grid_image 7" DOUBLE LAYER BASE ICED WHITE CAKE WITH VANILLA #23831 30 OZ 4 7" double layer base iced white cake iced with vanilla naturally & artificially flavored buttrcreme icing and finished with white cake crumb. The perfect canvas for signature cake creations!
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